Live at Friskiz's |

blurred 2 simulate the dying view of The 420 TRAINWRECK..... |
OBITUARY.....We are gathered here today to say goodbye to the dearly was something we held dearly....and now it has departed. In other words the MUTHA FUKA DEAD! I and my comrades & many of you feel a great loss. But at times like this we must all be brave and strong my children. The 420 TRAINWRECK is survived by four members.....They are as follows: Matt Rainsburg; who has moved north to spread the word of their greatness...Greg Luck A.K.A The Luckman; who is currently handling this website as well as himself...BOOGER the Nomad is busy spreading the word and his own wherever he shall roam...Chris Clark; continues to bang on his drum all day. They would like to thank all those that helped The 420 TW through it's time of existance; most notably our brothers in arms STR8JACKET(who you can check out via the links section on this page). They are an awesome band and put on one hell of a show. So check them out if you ever get the chance. But fear not my peoples...all is not lost. A band is gone but the musicians are still alive & kicking. This site shall continue to orbit the web spewing wanted & unwanted info at least as long as this .com is paid for in full. So don't lose hope. And when 4:20 comes around fire up what you see fitting in tribute. Who knows what the future holds? Stay tuned to find out. And remember the music will never die! HEY DON'T FORGET YOU CAN LET YOUR OWN THOUGHTS AND TWISTED IDEAS BE KNOWN TO ALL AT THE 420 TW RIP FORUM .......SO RAMBLE ON PEOPLES!!!